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Explosive Ordnance Survivors

Providing an enabling environment for progressive rehabilitation of explosive ordnance survivors.


Rehabilitating survivors to reduce economic challenges that limit their ability to achieve full potential for integrating into society.

eons peers

Participation in varying activities has a profound effect on an amputee’s life. It has been shown that involvement in even adaptive sports increases the quality of life for persons with disabilities by increasing self-esteem.



reparation survivors

Nearly 20 years since the gun went silent in Northern Uganda. Can government give us our reparation?

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Evidence shows Acholi sub region still littered with Explosive remnants of war.

GISO risk education

Risk Education in school and communities will is providing vital information for children born after the war in the Sub region.

Evidence shows Acholi sub region still littered with Explosive remnants of war.


Education Skills

Rackara Yusuff

Double amputee survivor wheels the streets of Anaka Town Northern Uganda to do welding and Fabrications in one of his workshops. Prior to his accident, life was normal for the Family.

Sponsors And Partners ​

Our projects are made possible thanks to the ongoing support of you valued partners.