
  While a healthy environment can support development the relationship is not always reciprocal. Long-term development can be achieved through sustainable management of various assets: financial, material, human, social and natural. Non-sustainable use of natural resources, including land, water, forest and fisheries, can threaten individual livelihoods as well as local, national and international economies.


Housing is the cornerstone of independent living, yet many explosive ordnance survivors now disabled live in homes that do not meet their requirements. If explosive ordnance survivors are to have choice and control over their lives, then urgent action is required to make sure that future housing supply is accessible for everyone. Decent housing is a basic human right that helps people to have independent, fulfilled lives. 

We implemented a Landmine Survivors Returning Home Project funded by NORAD through Humanist Action for Human Rights (HAMU-Norway) 2007 to 2011. Landmine survivors identified as severely disadvantaged at the time were selected to benefit from the basic housing project. 22 houses were built in different communities where the final beneficiaries come from including 15 women and 7 men

housing for survivors critical

Risk Education

Uganda Peoples Defense Forces (UPDF) Atoo Hill Barracks dispatch a team to share the risk potentially posed by different explosive ordnance using images of the ordnances printed in posters. The soldiers picked each posters with pictures of explosive ordnances explaining in details the potential kill rate when encountered both in combatant front or lurking in snare.

Common weapons found in the country were 60mm Anti-tank and 80mm Rocket propel grenade, stand grenades, and bullets. They cautioned children to step no closer once they have set eyes on such anomalous objects while hunting, grazing, digging, or any activity leading them to such sites. Children were urged to immediately report to relevant authorities starting with any close elderly person, parents and leaders. Children were also told to report findings of any non-explosive objects familiar to them such body armour, helmet, knives, uniforms, etc; because they are not for civilians. The Information Educational Communication (I.E.C) materials were also printed in small fliers which was distributed to the children as reference even when they return home. Larger poster remained in school and shall become talking images on the school walls now and in the future.