Our Impact
It is a little over 15 years since the guns fell silent in Northern Uganda following the signing of peace talks between the government and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) rebels in the Southern Sudan capital, Juba. But the scars are still fresh for many victims of the 20-year war. Most of these survivors used to reside with relatives or friends but major problems piled up upon their return to their homes in the villages where immediate survival needs formally catered for by national, international and non-governmental organizations were withdrawn. Survivors begun facing very difficult conditions with no special attention being given to their emotional and psychological needs. In light of the above, our establishment is needed to equip the majority of survivors in this post war-ravaged Northern Uganda cope with their emotional, psycho-social and economic needs.
30 years!
The International Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munition is a huge success! Article 5 Mine Ban Treaty obligations, Mine Clearance achieved by Republic of Uganda coinciding with the Twelfth Meeting of States Parties (12MSP) December 2012.
46 mined areas covering 1.6km2 clearance operations found and destroyed 4,314 antipersonnel mines, 42 air bombs and 15 UXO. Additional 9,273 UXO and 20 antivehicle mine destroyed during operations.
Unfortunately, the total number of mine/ERW casualties in Uganda is not known. Estimates by December 2016, put it at 2,792 casualties (533 killed; 2,259 injured). 14 casualties were registered by December 2016. A recent study we carried out August to October 2021, disclosed a 69 year old lady injuries leading to right leg amputation.
As long as mines infest nations countless casualties leading to death, injuries, disabilities, destructions, mourning, and millions of dollars spent of reconstructions instead of sustainable global development.
Victim assistance enshrined in the two instruments of international humanitarian law, The Mine Ban Treaty (MBT) and the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) remains the Achilles heels Uganda is yet to overcome.
Republic of Uganda is feeling like the Pearl of Africa again thanks to the International Campaign to Ban Landmines and Cluster Munition with generous support of affluent donors worldwide.

survey report on survivors
We successfully carried out Survey gathering information on persons injured by explosive ordnances, their needs and challenges, disaggregated by gender, age and disability, and would love this information available to relevant stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive response to addressing the needs of survivors
We carried out field visits to households of survivors in 8 district of Acholi sub region and did key informant interview with selected survivors.
During this interface we shared with each individual information on Victim Assistance in the context of MBT and CCM where Uganda is a signatory. We wrapped up the project with launch of the survey report in the presence of a few survivors who witnessed handover of the draft to the district, Community Development Officer in charge of Disabilities and elderlies affairs, Ms Anna Grace Akot.